How cool would it be, to have a close knit group of female spiritual entrepreneurs that totally have your back?
Soul centered, highly motivated, business owners that are there to be a regular touchstone for brainstorming, accountability and reaching your goals.
Creative & Spiritual Entrepreneurs that get you, and are there to support you as you grow your business.
Soulpreneurs that will be there when things don’t go as planned, supporting you in failing forward so you can take what learn from the experience, and apply it to what’s next. And most importantly, cheer you on to keep going!
Are you ready to authentically align with what your Soul is calling you toward?
That’s what being in a Soul Aligned Mastermind is all about. ✨
What is a Mastermind Group?
A business mastermind group is a community of entrepreneurs that offer each other support, advice and accountability.
Mastermind groups date back about 100 years, and have proven to be a highly effective way accelerate your business.
Mastermind members hold each other accountable for their goals, brainstorm together, challenge each other, celebrate each others wins, share ideas, contacts and resources.
Women in the community also offer their strength and insight when you’re feeling, discouraged, overwhelmed or stuck to help you overcome obstacles, learn, grow and bounce back when something doesn’t work out as you had hoped.
5 Reasons to join a Soul Aligned Mastermind
Are you ready to get high touch, hands on support and join a Soul Aligned Business Mastermind + expand your consciousness? Apply for Activate Your Magic™️ today!
It's a high touch, small group experience specially designed to take Spiritual Entrepreneurs to the next level. Space is very limited, if it feels aligned, Apply now!
Enter you name and email below for exclusive pricing and your invitation to The Light Path when doors open.
You'll also receive free spiritual support from Holistic Modern Mystic